For many years now, Baldwin & Sons has been bringing joy to children on Christmas day through their annual Siempre Kids Christmas Toy Drive. The Siempre Kids Christmas Toy Drive is not just about the gifts that children receive under their tree – it is about the gift of hope.
The children at Siempre Para Los Ninos, a children's home in Tijuana, Mexico, experience the effects of scarcity every day knowing that many of their childhood desires - like new toys or clothes - are simply not available to them. Our children handle this experience with an incredible charm and humbleness that is truly touching. This is why watching their faces on Christmas morning, as they receive their gifts, is so special for all of us here at Baldwin & Sons. The smiles and joy on their faces is the best gift we can receive.
Baldwin & Sons would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of our employees, friends and family participating in the Siempre Kids Toy Drive each year. This year, we managed to dress up our tree in the Newport Beach office with an abundance of toys and clothes.
Donations can be made online